Sunday, October 01, 2006

Tribute To Arnold Newman By Albert Cardwell

The photography industry lost some great photographers in the past few years including Arnold Newman who passed away in 2006. Arnold Newman made environmental portraits famous with his images of past Presidents, movie stars and other celebrities.
In 1980 while I was studying photography at Randolph Technical College in Asheboro, the students had to do a report on photographers who contributed greatly to photography. Tom Jordan and I were assigned Arnold Newman. After a few calls to Arnold Newman he agreed to an interview with him in New York. We spent several hours with him in his studio and residence. What amazed me more than anything was that his residence was full of photographs, but they were all by other photographers. None were of his own images. His love for photography could easily be seen. I will always remember the day with Arnold Newman. He will be greatly missed in the photography world. I made this image in his studio.

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